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Where to buy omniwheel in Netherlands or Europe

0 votes
I am looking for four omniwheels that can take a load of about 80 kg each. Diameter of the wheels above 100mm to keep contactpressure acceptable. Searching the web only pointed to far away suppliers with tremendous shipping and custom costs. I am an amateur, not a company.

Who knows a supplier in the Netherlands or nearby Europe.

Thank you! Huib
asked May 13, 2014 by Huib Bruijstens (120 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Omniwheels currently in our msl soccer robots are custom made. For the TURTLE-5k a low-cost alternative solution was found:

A hangfa ql10, (4 inch) http://www.robotwheels.cn/English/
answered May 21, 2014 by Robin Soetens (560 points)
+1 vote

You can also order wheels at Probotics (http://probotics.eu/Wielen). The ones currently used on AMIGO have been ordered there as well. 

answered May 22, 2014 by Jlunenburg (160 points)