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AMIGO: Head | Arms | Torso | Base

Robot Summary

AMIGO is a service and care taking robot of the University of Technology Eindhoven which participates in the RoboCup@Home league.


Figure 1:AMIGO
Figure 2:CAD model of AMIGO


AMIGO is an acronym for Autonomous Mate for IntelliGent Operations. AMIGO is a service and care taking robot of the University of Technology Eindhoven which participates in the RoboCup@Home league.
The RoboCup@Home league aims to develop service and assistive robot technology with high relevance for future personal domestic applications. It is the largest international annual competition for autonomous service robots and is part of the RoboCup initiative. A set of benchmark tests is used to evaluate the robots’ abilities and performance in a realistic non-standardized home environment setting. Focus lies on the following domains: Human-Robot-Interaction and Cooperation, Navigation and Mapping in dynamic environments, Computer Vision and Object Recognition under natural light conditions, Object Manipulation, Adaptive Behaviors, Behavior Integration, Ambient Intelligence, Standardization and System Integration.

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