Robot Links |
Authors |
TURTLE-5k website |
TU/e |
CST Group, TU/e |
Frencken |
V.E.D.S. |
rop@tue.nl |
frank.steeghs@ace.eu |
Bill Of Materials |
Excel Spreadsheet |
CAD Files |
Siemens NX 7.5 |
Solidworks |
Electronic Drawings |
Coming Soon |
Software |
Wiki |
License |
License Files |
TURTLE-5k: Coming Soon
Contents |
Robot Summary
The TURTLE-5k is a remake of the TURTLE robots, the 2012 world champion robot-soccer in the RoboCup Mid-Size League, with a cost price reduction from €25.000,- to €5.000,-.
- Authors: CST Group, TU/e, ACE, Frencken, V.E.D.S.
- License: CERN OHL v.1.1
- Repository: https://gitlab.tue.nl/tech-united-eindhoven/rop/-/tree/master/TURTLE-5K
- Presentations: Development TURTLE-5k (TU/e), TURTLE-5k collabration and value engineering (ACE)
This TURTLE-5k becomes an affordable development platform to participate in Middle Size League (MSL) of the international RoboCup competition. This competition aims through various leagues to accelerate robotics to a higher level. MSL is a challenging league in which the robots have to function and play normal football autonomously. Technological innovations are stimulated because all inventions are open source.
Initially, ACE has studied the TURTLE 2012. By looking at the features has resulted in the Value Analysis. By applying Value Engineering has been made clear what functions the most cost and where you should focus on cost reduction. This is followed by an investigation to the best production methods to ultimately make a series of 50 robots. This is also done in cooperation with the TU / e and the knowledge of the other participants Frencken and VEDS . The prototype is tested. On the basis of the test results, the design is adjusted so it is ready for others to download it and to make an own team.